February 5-7,

State Thespian Officer Guidelines
Thespys™ is an educational program that offers students the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on a student written play. One or two submitted selection(s) will be chosen to participate in a staged reading. Audience members will observe the readings and participate in a guided talk-back. The reading and talk-back process may be attended by any conference attendee during Georgia Thespian Conference.
Submission Guidelines
Plays must be the original work of a single Thespian writer. Collaborative works or adaptations won’t be considered, nor will plays that include music, lyrics, or dialogue written by anyone other than the submitting writer.
Plays can be about any subject but should have a running time of up to 10 minutes (approximately ten typed pages).
Playwrights should adhere to the modern stage play format linked under resources.
Playwrights should include a title page and a cast list. The title page and cast list do not count as script pages.
Writers may submit more than one play for consideration.
Judging criteria is based on play structure, characterization, and dialogue.
Once registration materials are submitted and payment is made, troupe directors should email scripts with conference registration confirmation to playwriting@gathespians.org. Finished scripts must be emailed by the registration deadline.
Important Information
Registration Opens: September 29, 2024, at 9:00 AM
Registration Closes: December 4, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Entry fee:
Participants: Thespians currently in Grades 9-11
Contact: Shelby.english@gathespians.org