February 5-7,

Thespian Scholarships
Georgia Thespians annually offers $26,500 in college scholarships to thirteen senior Thespians. The scholarships offered are:
Gerald Ray Horne Scholarship - $2,500
This scholarship is awarded to a well-balanced Thespian who exemplifies the qualities of Ray Horne’s career as a director and state leader: service, talent, personality, determination, vision, and compassion.
Yatesy Harvey Theatre Educator Scholarship - $2,000
The International Thespian Society adds to the $1,000 given by Georgia Thespians with an additional $1,000 to recognize a Thespian planning to major in Theatre Education. (If no outstanding student in any year is found to deserve this award, the interview panel shall award this scholarship based on performance/portfolio.)
Frank Pruet & Eric Ebell Vision and Innovation Scholarship for Leadership - $2,000
This scholarship is awarded to a Thespian who best demonstrates outstanding leadership, innovation, and vision through troupe resume and interview.
Pam Ware Leadership Scholarship - $2,000
This scholarship is awarded to the Thespian who best illustrates through the troupe resume and interview outstanding leadership to their troupe, school, state, and/or community by putting into action the dedication to excellence and the drive to succeed so lovingly and professionally modeled by legendary director, Pam Ware.
Linda P. Wise Performance Scholarship - $2,000
This scholarship is awarded to the Thespian who demonstrates outstanding talent through the audition and the outline resume of roles/positions performed during the high school years in honor and memory of Linda P. Wise, a legendary director, teacher, and friend to Georgia Thespians throughout the state.
Gene & Imelda Bell Service Scholarship - $2,000
This scholarship is awarded to the Thespian who best illustrates outstanding service to his/her troupe, school, state, and community through the troupe resume and interview.
Dwight Gilstrap Technical Scholarship - $2,000
This scholarship is awarded to the Thespian who proves themselves through the portfolio and interview to be dedicated to technical theatre through outstanding work and understanding of the technical areas.
Paul Hampton Heart of a Thespian Scholarship - $2,000
This scholarship is awarded to the Thespian who exemplifies Paul Hampton’s outstanding dedication, creativity, and a genuine love for theatre arts and their fellow Thespians.
5 Achievement Scholarships - $2,000 each
These scholarships are awarded to Thespians who demonstrate outstanding qualities in any of the dramatic arts and are considered worthy of special recognition for their achievements in theatre.
If you are applying for Thespian Scholarships AND college auditions, indicate that on your application form. You only need to apply once, and you only need to pay for one registration fee.
Application Opens: September 29, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Deadline: December 4, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Entry fee: $25
Participants: Seniors attending ThesCon
Contact: scholarships@gathespians.org